Organization: Global Environment Facility
RE: Feedback Requested for your 2014 and 2015 Our Ocean Conference Initiatives
2014 Initiative: The Global Environment Facility announced unprecedented funding of $460 million over 4 years to conserve and restore marine biodiversity, foster sustainable fisheries, and strengthen coastal management.
2014 Initiative: In 2015, the Global Environment Facility announced two new initiatives that received funding from its 4-year $460 million dollar investment. First, it and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization launched the Coastal Fisheries Initiative – an aggressive program to reverse the depletion of coastal fisheries, focusing on strengthening fisheries institutions, promoting market platforms, expanding the use of sustainable standards throughout the supply chain and scaling up appropriate governance - based fisheries systems with pilot initiatives in Peru, Ecuador, West Africa, and Indonesia. Second, the GEF, UN Development Programme, and UN Industrial Development Organization committed to invest in Large Marine Ecosystems in Arafura – the Timor Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, to bring nations together to manage their shared resources.