Our Ocean Conference Commitments
- (2014) Norway will allocate more than $150 million to promote global fisheries development and management, including the building of a third research vessel to train fisheries experts and managers from around the world.
- (2014) Norway will allocate up to $1 million for a study on measures to combat marine plastic waste and microplastics.
- (2014) Norway announced the allocation in 2015 of over $1 billion to climate change mitigation and adaptation assistance, including a substantial contribution to the Green Climate Fund.
- (2015) Norway announced its intent to allocate US$1.8 million in support of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s project, "Enhancing the contribution of small-scale fisheries to food security and sustainable livelihoods," and signed an agreement securing the partnership with FAO.
- (2015) Norway announced the launch of its new Fish for Development program, which aims to include fish and marine resources in its future development assistance.
- (2015) Norway announced that construction is underway to build a completely new research vessel, Dr Fridtjof Nansen, to be used exclusively in developing countries as part of the EAF Nansen Project, an FAO fisheries management program. The new vessel will be equipped with state-of-the-art technology to conduct research on fisheries, marine ecosystems, biodiversity, acidification, and impacts of climate change.